Anyone know what the procedures are for load testing Automotive Vehicle Jack Stands? I need to find in writing were it states how to do an initial Load Test on some of our Jack Stands. We have some Jack Stands that were purchased locally and we do not have the original (COC) Certificate of Conformance for the load test that was conducted by the manufacture.
We have Jack Stands that are rated at 7ton, 10ton & 12ton. For years people have said just lift a vehicle and put 4 Jack Stands under it, if they hold they are good. That may have worked back in the day, but I need something in writing on the proper procedures on how to Load Test a Vehicle jack Stand.
I am currently reviewing TB 43-0156 (SAFETY INSPECTION AND OPERATION OF STAND, VEHICLE SUPPORT) and it gives no guidance on how to conduct a load test. I am planning to use a 50 TON SHOP PRESS to conduct my load test on each Jack Stand that was purchased locally and has no COC.
We just tried the 50ton Shop Press and it worked, I wanted to attach photos but was getting an Error message when trying to upload.